![]() With these facts, would make the government more intensively hunting the resources as a producer and a power plant. Since that we still using conventional techniques till now just needs to be controlled because the automation system have been applied. Even so, the exploitation that we did to this energy realize or not create any availability of the resources eroded. Moreover, non-renewable resources such as petrol and coal. Because that, have been done a research to seek the new potentional resources which is have an infinity supply. On that ground, the wind became one of the best selection. Because in addition to its renewable, wind also has a supply that is rated not be run out even over use. UPC Renewables Group is one the world's leading companies who sensible the potential of wind as a renewable resource. UPC has been a developer of new and renewable energy projects that case-hardened over the last 20 years which the project spread across the world, including Indonesia. UPC's success in developing the renewable energy trade is evidenced by the implementation of construction of 2000 MW of wind and solar energy projects and 5,000 MW of projects under development. Cooperating with local partner PT Binatek Energi Terbarukan, UPC Renewables under the leadership of Brian Caffyn develop wind energy potential of 1000 MW by using the latest wind turbine technology. On August 19th, UPC executed a PPA with PLN for the Sidrap 70MW Wind Farm in Sidrap, South Sulawesi and UPC has started development and be in operation in 2017. UPC also has a PPA for its 50MW Project in Bantul, Yogyakarta Province. In addition to these two projects, the company co-founded by Brian Caffyn will also begin to realize the construction of the largest wind power plant in southeast Asia, that will be located in Sukabumi, West Java. #BrianCaffyn #UPCRenewables
![]() With these facts, would make the government more intensively seeking the resources as a producer and a power plant. From the time that we still using conservative system till today only wants to supervised because the automation system have been applied. Even so, the exploitation that we did to this energy realize or not create any availability of the resources eroded. Moreover, non-renewable resources as petroleum and coal. Because that, have been done a research to look for the new potentional resources which is have an infinity supply. On the strength of, the wind became one of the prime alternative. Because beside its renewable, wind also has a supply that is rated not be discharged even over use. UPC Renewables Group is one the world's leading companies who realized the potential of wind as a renewable resource. UPC has been a developer of new and renewable energy projects that experienced more than 20 years which the project spread across the world, including Indonesia. UPC's success in developing the renewable energy market is evidenced by the establishing of construction of 2000 MW of wind and solar energy projects and 5,000 MW of projects under development. Working together with local partner PT Binatek Energi Terbarukan, UPC Renewables under the leadership of Brian Caffyn develop wind energy potential of 1000 MW by using the latest wind turbine technology. On August 19th, UPC executed a PPA with PLN for the Sidrap 70MW Wind Farm in Sidrap, South Sulawesi and UPC has started construction and taking action in 2017. UPC also has a PPA for its 50MW Project in Bantul, Yogyakarta Province. In addition to these two projects, the company co-founded by Brian Caffyn will also start to realize the construction of the largest wind power plant in southeast Asia, that will be located in Sukabumi, West Java. #BrianCaffyn #UPCRenewables 2/8/2017 0 Comments Wind For Prospective Renewable Energy Sources When Crisis of Petroleum and Coal Start to Strikes![]() With these facts, would make the government more intensively searching the resources as a producer and a power plant. From the time that we just using conservative method till currently only requires to be controlled because the automation system have been applied. Even so, the exploitation that we did to this energy believe or not create any availability of the resources eroded. Moreover, non-renewable resources like oil and coal. Because that, have been done a research to search the recent potentional resources which is have an infinity supply. On the strength of, the wind became one of the best selection. Because in addition to its renewable, wind also has a supply that is rated not be run out even extravagant use. UPC Renewables Group is one the world's leading companies who aware the potential of wind as a renewable resource. UPC has been a developer of new and renewable energy projects that experienced more than 20 years which the project get aboard across the world, including Indonesia. UPC's success in developing the renewable energy market is evidenced by the implementation of construction of 2000 MW of wind and solar energy projects and 5,000 MW of projects under development. Joining together with local partner PT Binatek Energi Terbarukan, UPC Renewables under the leadership of Brian Caffyn develop wind energy potential of 1000 MW by using the latest wind turbine technology. On August 19th, UPC executed a PPA with PLN for the Sidrap 70MW Wind Farm in Sidrap, South Sulawesi and UPC has started development and be in operation in 2017. UPC also has a PPA for its 50MW Project in Bantul, Yogyakarta Province. In addition to these two projects, the company co-founded by Brian Caffyn will also begin to realize the development of the largest wind power plant in southeast Asia, that will be located in Sukabumi, West Java. #BrianCaffyn #UPCRenewables 2/4/2017 0 Comments Professional Digital Agency in Jakarta - A full service Digital Marketing by NeoLightMedia![]() Semakin ramainya user internet, tentu berdampak pada beranjakanya pamor dari media sosial salah satunya. Dengan kemampuan probabilitas yang diraih, kemudian muncul panggilan digital marketing yang turut mewarnai hingar-bingarnya dunia digital Indonesia sehingga membuat persaingan usaha pada lahan ini pun semakin ketat. Dengan berlatar belakang potensi inilah, mulai banyak bermunculan SEO Agency Jakarta yang menyediakan layanan pemasaran dengan memfungsikan media digital. Tak hanya berbentuk tulisan, kontennya pun dibuat beragam. Mulai dari visualis seperti gambar, audio, bahkan yang menggabungkan antara keduanya seperti video. Pertumbuhan digital marketing Indonesia sendiri bisa dikatakan sangat signifikan. Dari angka ribuan, pangsa pasar digital saat ini mencapai 90 juta orang, yang merupakan pengguna aktif internet baik lewat komputer, smartphone, maupun tablet. Â Pasar digital dinilai lebih menggiurkan setelah diketahui bahwa banyak publik yang menjadi pangsa pasar potensial ini lebih condong membeli produk via internet. Â Lewat digital marketing, Anda dapat menjadikan produk Anda viral dalam waktu yang cukup singkat tanpa melepaskan tenaga dan biaya lebih jika dibandingkan dengan strategi pemasran yang lainnya. Tentu hal tersebut dengan catatan bahwa pemasaran digital yang dilakukan telah dirinci dengan seefektif dan seefisien mungkin sehingga menekan terjadinya anggaran yang terbuang sia-sia. Â Jakarta sebagai ibu kota metropolitan pun menjadi induk segala kegiatan digital terbesar di Indonesia. Jadi, jangan ganjil jika digital marketing agency Jakarta menjamur. Setiap tahunnya akan lahir start up mengusung digital marketing yang turun dan berkompetisi dengan agensi pendahulu. Â Hal ini pula yang dilakukan oleh Neolightmedia. Berbekal tim yang kompeten dan mempunyai gagasan segar, memberanikan diri untuk ambil peran dalam industri yang cukup menjanjikan ini. Memberikan layanan utama tidak hanya untuk iklan produk Anda, namun juga efisien terhadap budget yang Anda keluarkan. Dengan strategi yang baik dan rinci, Neolightmedia pastikan pemesanan akan produk Anda akan menggunung dengan segera. Â |
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